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Vice-presidents of the council of SSM

The Vice-presidents of the Council of CCM are being elected by the Council.

The number, the composition, and the areas of activities of the Vice-presidents are determined by the Presidency on a proposal of the President of CCM.

Vice-presidents of the Council of CCM, in the framework of their responsibilities, can co-ordinate and organize activities of their area of work according to the decision adopted by the Council of CCM.

Presidents of the trade unions can be elected as Vice-presidents of the Council of CCM.

Vice-president for the private sector is Pavel Trendafilov, President of Trade Union of Civil Engineering, Industry and Design of Macedonia (SGIP).

Vice-president for the public sector is Tihomir Klimovski, President of MPS.

Vice-president for organization and development is Jordan Sandev, President of the SPTRM.

Vice-president for collective bargaining and economic issues is Zivko Danevski, President of AGRO

The design of the website is supported by Promoting Social Dialogue
The Project is funded by the European Union, and implemented by the International Labour Organization.

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