Members of SSM Council from the Unions:
I. Trade Union of the Workers in catering, Tourism, Communal and Housing Economy, Handicraft and Protecting Associations of Macedonia (SUTKOZ);
II. Trade Union of Industry, Energy and Mining of Macedonia (SIER);
III. Autonomous Trade Union of Health, Pharmacy and Social Protection of Republic of Macedonia;
IV. Trade Union of the Workers in the Agro-industrial Complex of Macedonia (AGRO Trade Union)
V. Trade Union of Civil Engineering, Industry and Design of Macedonia (SGIP);
VI. Trade Union of Workers in Textile, Leather and Shoe Industry of Republic of Macedonia (STKC)
VII. Macedonian Police Trade Union (MPS);
VIII. Trade Union of Workers in Traffic and Communications of Macedonia (SRSVM);
IX. Trade Union of Workers in the Trade of Republic of Macedonia (SRTM);
X. Autonomous Trade Union of Workers in Energy economy of Macedonia
XI. Trade Union of Chemistry and Non-metals and Metals of Macedonia (SHNM);
XII. Trade Union of Postal and Telecommunication Workers of Macedonia (SPTRM).
XIII. Trade Union Forestry, Wood Industry and Energy of Macedonia
XIV. The Trade Union of Graphic, Informatics, Film, Publishing and Paper Production of Macedonia (GIFIH);
XV. Trade Union of the Financial Organisations of Macedonia (SFDM);
XVI. Trade Union of Defence and Security
XVII. Trade Uion of Administration, Judicial Bodies and Citizens' Associations (UPOZ)