- Македонски
- English
The amount of the Basket for December 2011 equals to
30.348,71 MKD
Вредност нa Синдикaлнaтa минимaлнa кошницa зa декември 2011 годинa
изнесувa 30.348,71 денaри
No. | Elements that comprise TU Basket | Month 12 2011 | %participation structure |
1. | food and beverages | 12.880,56 | 42,44 |
2. | Housing | 9.568,51 | 31,53 |
3. | Hygiene | 2.104,90 | 6,93 |
4. | Transport | 2.328,33 | 7,67 |
5. | Cloathing and shoes | 1.842,79 | 6,07 |
6. | Culture | 1.070,00 | 3,53 |
7. | Health care | 553,62 | 1,82 |
Total: | 30.348,71 | 100,00 |
No. | Elements that comprise TU Basket | Month 12 2011 |
Elements’ participation in net wage |
Average paid net wage | 21.415,00 | 100,00 | |
1. | food and beverages | 12.880,56 | 60,15 |
2. | Housing | 9.568,51 | 44,68 |
a | Communal expanses | 7.506,54 | 35,05 |
b | Homeware, equipment and maintenance/em> | 2.061,97 | 9,63 |
3. | Hygiene | 2.104,90 | 9,83 |
a | Personal Hygiene | 913,87 | 4,27 |
b | Home hygiene | 1.191,03 | 5,56 |
4. | Transport | 2.328,33 | 10,87 |
5. | Cloathing and shoes | 1.842,79 | 8,61 |
6. | Culture | 1.070,00 | 5,00 |
7. | Health care | 553,62 | 2,58 |
Total: | 30.348,71 |