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Minimum trade union basket - february 2014

The amount of the Basket for February 2014 equals to
32 133,00 MKD

No. Elements that comprise TU Basket month 02 2014 % participation structure
1. Food and beverages 13.550,97 42,14
2. Housing 10.241,05 31,88
3. Hygiene 2.221,56 6,91
4. Transport 2.339,98 7,28
5. Clothing and shoese 2.051,96 6,39
6. Culture 1.070,00 3,33
7. Health care 667,00 2,07
  Total: 32.132,52 100,00


No. Elements that comprise TU Basket month 02 2014 Elements participation in net wage
  Average paid net wage  20.941,00
1. Food and beverages 13.540,97  64,00
2. Housing 10.241,05  48,00
а Communal expanses 8.134,43  38,84
б Homeware, equipment and maintenance 2.106,62  10,06
3. Hygiene 2.221,56  10,61
а Personal hygiene 992,56  4,74
б ОHouse hygiene 1.229,00  5,87
4. Transport 2.339,98  11,17
5. Clothing and shoese 2.051,96  9,80
6. Culture 1.070,00  5,11
7. Health care 667,00  3,18
  Total: 32.132,52  153,43
The design of the website is supported by Promoting Social Dialogue
The Project is funded by the European Union, and implemented by the International Labour Organization.

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