Early this morning, after a call and request from the members of the Trade Union of Textile, Leather and Footwear Industry, STKC, that the employees spontaneously gather in front of the factory Bargala from Stip, as a revolt due to several unpaid salaries, the President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, Darko Dimovski and the President of STKC, Ljupco Radovski, visited the factory and had a meeting with the workers and the Director of Bargala Stip, Naum Barzov.
The workers informed SSM’s leadership on the unpaid salaries.
The Union advised the management to seek financial support if the factory faces difficulties in paying workers 'wages, according to the Decree on Employers' Financial Crisis Support due to COVID-19.
At the meeting with the management and employees of Bargala, it was agreed that unpaid salaries will be paid in accordance with the established and agreed dynamics and the salary for February 2020 will be paid in full until May 8, 2020, while salaries for March will be paid untill May 20, salaried for April untill June 8 and salaries for May untill June 20 in the amount of 80% in accordance with Article 18, paragraph 1 and paragraph 3 of the General Collective Agreement for the private sector, after which the difference from the less paid salary in the amount of 20% per month will begin to return with the salary for August 2020.
The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia together with the affiliated Branch Unions, such as the Union of STKC, will always react to any information submitted by workers for violating their labor rights, and shall provide all possible assistance and support to the workers for realization of their guaranteed rights in accordance with the Laws and Collective Agreements.
Again, the need for trade union organizing and Collective Agreements is reaffirmed, especially in these complex conditions in which we are all together.