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Seminar on labor law in practice


Д-р Живко Митревски на денешниот семинар: клучна задача е во услови на светска криза да не дозволиме намалување на работничките права во Македонија
Zivko Mitrevski, PhD: crucial task in conditions of world crisis is not to allow reduction of the workers' rights in Macedonia

"Labor Law and its application in practice" is the title of today’s seminar held in hotel "Holiday Inn" in Skopje, organized by the Association of Lawyers of the Republic of Macedonia.
At the seminar addressed Teofil Tomanovic, retired Judge, Zoran Mihajloski, judge in the Apelation Court in Skopje, while Zivko Mitrevski, CCM President, presented on "Labor Law and the new General Collective Agreement in the public sector."

President Mitrevski informed on the changes in the conceptual arrangement of industrial relations in the country for the past two decades, especially in the last few years, institutionalization of the social partners, their legitimization, the representativeness of trade unions, compliance of the Collective Agreement with the Minimum Wage Law, then the issues of fees, the coefficients of complexity, the protection of union officials, the fee during strike, employment contracts, prohibition of discrimination , information of workers and etc.

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The Project is funded by the European Union, and implemented by the International Labour Organization.

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